If you are looking for a Portrait Photographer in Essex, that is something I specialise in.
If you require a Children's photographer,then give me a call.....
I also do photoshoots for Bands and singers, as well as Model's portfolio's.
Click on any photo to enlarge, and then click onto next if you want a slide show of all the photo's in the Gallery
If you require a Children's photographer,then give me a call.....
I also do photoshoots for Bands and singers, as well as Model's portfolio's.
Click on any photo to enlarge, and then click onto next if you want a slide show of all the photo's in the Gallery

My granddaughter Isabella as Bridesmaid at her mummy and daddy's Wedding.

A beautiful guest at my sons wedding.

My Grandson Thomas in one of his poses...LOL

My good friend Matthew who I have know for 30 years. A great guy bless him.

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Young Model poses for me... One of my granddaughters Maddie

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The Fab Liberty Popey